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UN earmarks $24 million
for South and the vulnerable
$110 million still needed this year to support 290,000 war-affected people
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The United Nations (UN) has allocated $24 million as an emergency aid package from its Lebanon Humanitarian Fund (LHF) to support vulnerable communities and the urgent needs of people affected by the hostilities in the South.

“The new LHF funding will provide urgent support to those in need, including food, shelter, healthcare, water, sanitation and hygiene (WaSH) and protection. Specifically, $10 million from the LHF will be directed towards emergency relief for those affected by the hostilities in South Lebanon. Additionally, $13 million will be allocated to support vulnerable communities across Lebanon, and the remaining $1 million will be dedicated to empowering local NGOs, enhancing their ability to respond effectively to the multifaceted crisis,” read a statement by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).

The UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Lebanon, Imran Riza said: “The LHF has allowed us to support over 200,000 people, but this is still far from enough. Without sufficient funding, we are not only limited in addressing those immediate needs but also risk weakening our preparedness efforts and our capacity to address the other urgent crises Lebanon is currently facing."

To support nearly 290,000 people affected by the hostilities from August through the end of the year, the UN and partners need $110 million. As of August, the Lebanon Response Plan 2024 appeal stood at $2.72 billion, only $670 million of which was funded or 25 percent of the total. This means that the funding gap is over $2 billion.

In response to fighting on the southern borders, the LHF earmarked $4.1 million in November 2023 to support preparedness and response efforts for those displaced and in need. This was followed by an additional $9 million allocated by the UN's Central Emergency Response Fund in February 2024 to address the urgent needs of vulnerable populations, particularly in the South.
Date Posted: Sep 13, 2024
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