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School learning app
now available offline
'Tabshoura' built into 60,000 tablets

delivered to public schools nationwide

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‘Tabshoura’, an academic app developed by Lebanese Alternative Learning (LAL), will be integrated into 60,000 tablets to be distributed to a number of public schools nationwide. It is accessible off-line.

The initiative was funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and LAL.

‘Tabshoura’ was first launched as a website in 2016. The app tackles the issue of limited access of students to the Internet and frequent power cuts by allowing them to download lesson units and use them on their electronic devices.

‘Tabshoura’, which is currently used by 50,000 students, complies with the official curriculum. It offers academic content for early childhood education, elementary cycle and middle school, in Arabic, French, and English. The entire content is available free of charge upon registration.

The content could also be accessed on ‘Mawaridy’, the academic website launched by the Center of Educational Research and Development (CRDP).

LAL also provides ‘Lalmoudaress’ website for teachers’ support, which was developed with the help of more than 500 teachers. It offers them a variety of lesson plans and digital tools designed for remote teaching.

LAL is an NGO that provides digital learning software and content to students. It was established ten years ago.

Date Posted: Jan 27, 2023
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