NGOs, donors, projects and their stakeholders

Urban farming and solar
projects started in Abou Samra
UN-Habitat and Japan focus on Shalfeh poor neighborhood
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The United Nations Human Settlements Program (UN-Habitat) and the Embassy of Japan have launched a $900,000 project to support urban farming activities in Shalfeh, Tripoli.

The project will provide training sessions on urban farming techniques and methods to 150 households.

It will also equip two schools and one health dispensary with solar systems. This will ensure a steady supply of clean water to minimize water-borne diseases and other health risks, such as cholera.

The project will serve 5,000 direct beneficiaries. It will indirectly benefit the entire community of Shalfeh by passing the knowledge acquired from the trainings on urban farming, and by providing access to uninterrupted services and clean water in the dispensary and the two schools, according to UN-Habitat.

Shalfeh is located in Tripoli’s Abou Samra district. It has a population estimated at 11,000, living in poor housing conditions and lacking basic services such as water, electricity, and waste management, according to UN-Habitat’s neighborhood profile. It highlighted the deteriorating food security and inefficient operation of schools and health dispensaries.
Date Posted: Feb 17, 2023
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