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$3.2 billion sought
to mitigate Syrian crisis impact
Appeal made during launch of

Lebanon Crisis Response Plan

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The government, the United Nations (UN), and national and international humanitarian organizations have appealed for an assistance of $3.2 billion to alleviate the impact of the Syrian crisis.

The assistance is part of the 2022-2023 Lebanon Crisis Response Plan (LCRP).

The LCRP helps 3.2 million people in need which include 1.5 million Lebanese citizens, 1.5 million displaced Syrians, and more than 200,000 Palestinian refugees. The LCRP also aims to support the country’s public infrastructure, services, and the economy.

Lebanon has received $9 billion in assistance since 2015 under the LCRP which is a multi-stakeholder response co-led by the Lebanese government and the UN. The LCRP receives contributions from over 126 entities including local and international NGOs.

“With the continuing impact of the Syria crisis and the current economic crisis in Lebanon pushing everyone to the brink, partners’ joint efforts to support refugees and the host community through the Lebanon Crisis Response Plan remain essential,” said Najat Rochdi, the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator. She said: “These circumstances are driving negative coping mechanisms, as families are forced to send their children to work instead of school, skip meals or incur debt. It is important that municipalities are supported to keep basic services running amid massive capacity gaps.”
Date Posted: Jun 21, 2022
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